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Call for papers American Journal of Social Science Studies R&D

Call for papers American Journal of Social Science Studies R&D The deadline is February 10th, 2018 American Journal of Social Science Studies R&D understands the importance of social science study for the betterment of the society and for the better understanding of the human behavior, that’s why it is providing a platform to all the researchers of all over the world to publish and share their valuable information in any field of social sciences. Culture and theory Economics Politics Sociology US History World History Consumer Education History Slavonic studies Languages such as Czech, Polish and Russian Criminology Racis Economic and social history Sexuality Disability Comparative and international politics Political theory Politics and media European politics Housing Labour markets Systems of governance Health Crime Education Real estate Planning The environment Media studies Anthropology Archaeology Area studies Communication studies Criminology & Criminal Justice Cultural and ethnic studies Economics Education Gender and sexuality studies Geography History Law Linguistics Political science Psychology Sociology Social work and Social care Anthropology Business studies Communication studies Criminology Demography Development studies Economics Education Geography History Industrial relations Law Linguistics Media studies Political science Psychology Public administration Submission Full manuscipt Articles must be submitted by e-mail to:

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