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Director of Public Research Institution - Ředitel/ředitelka veřejné výzkumné instituce

In accordance with the provisions of Section 18, Subsection (2)(h), of the Act No. 341/2005 Coll., the Board of the Institute of International Relations Prague, a public research institution, is announcing the start of the selection procedure for the position of director.

The candidate should demonstrate the following:

► experience with strategic management and budget responsibility

► a track record of research

► experience with public communication

► experience with third-party funding

► Czech language is one of the criteria that will be considered alongside the other qualities of the candidate

The candidate will produce the following:

► a structured biography which demonstrates that the candidate has the qualities listed above

► a proposal of a conception of the future directions and development of the IIR (with a maximum length of 5 pages)

► documentary proof of the highest level of education attained;

► a printout of the candidate's criminal record

► declarations on word of honour produced according to the provisions of Section 17, Subsections (4) and (5) of the Act No. 341/2005 Coll. on Public Research Institutions. The candidate must also prove that he or she meets the conditions specified in Act No. 451/1991 Coll.

Expected monthly salary: CZK 60,000

Expected time of entry into the position: May 2018

All applications for the selection procedure should be sent to the IIR in both printed and electronic form. The printed version should include all the required documents. The electronic version should include only the structured biography and the proposal of a conception of the IIRʼs future direction. Both versions should be sent by October 16th, 2017 at the latest to the following postal and email address:

Ústav mezinárodních vztahů, v. v. i.

Nerudova 3

118 50 Praha 1

Czech Republic

All applications should be marked with the words “Ředitel ÚMV, v. v. i. – výběrové řízení” (on the envelope or in the subject line of the email).

All judgments about whether the application met the deadline will be based upon the date the both (postal and e-mail) applications arrived at the postal and/or email address above. The candidates selected by the Board of the IIR will be invited to the oral interviews for the position, which will take place on November 6th, 2017 in the IIR building.


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